How Consumers Are Staying Connected During COVID-19
Human beings are social creatures by nature. We thrive off connecting with our friends and family, whether it’s dining out, seeing a concert, or simply having a movie night. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the way we’re interacting with our loved ones has drastically changed. But that hasn’t stopped us from connecting virtually.
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Introducing Virtual House Parties: Staying Connected with Friends and Family
Digital life has long been embedded in the United States. But as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold of all our lives, government officials closed non-essential businesses, schools, and issued stay-at-home orders. Being confined at home led us to spend even more time online—from streaming audio and video services to having video chats with our friends and browsing social channels. It became a digital world as we’d never seen before.
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Consumer Ad Preferences During COVID-19
Consumers have been experiencing the new “normal” since the lockdowns began in late March. With so many consumers at home, media consumption has risen exponentially. Naturally, with the rise of media consumption came advertisements—a bucketload of them—many centering around COVID-19. Most consumers felt comfortable with COVID-19 ads.
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WFH Consumers Try to Maintain Structure and Upgrade Home Offices
With consumers adapting to the current “normal," they’re looking for ways to normalize their routines working from home. It comes as no surprise that consumers are upgrading their home offices and are trying to maintain a schedule during these trying times.
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Consumers turning to Web, Streaming Video, and Social Media to Kill Time
With more time spent at home, consumers are looking for ways to stay occupied. It’s no surprise that media consumption is up, with more time spent online, watching streaming video platforms, and using social media to interact with their friends.
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Consumers Adjust Spending and Travel Plans to the “New Normal”
With many Americans continuing to stay home out of precaution, they are coming to terms with a new sense of what feels normal while still thinking about their future.
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Consumers Value Brand Names, Shelf-Stability, and Snacks During Stay-At-Home Period
As Americans limit their shopping trips to only the essentials, they are adjusting how they make food and beverage purchases. With fewer trips to the grocery store, trusted brand names are more important than before.
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How Toy Brands Can Connect with Kids Without YouTube's Influencers
With concern over how COPPA requirements may limit viewership, toy brands are in need of new avenues to get their products in front of kids and parents who spend less time watching TV.
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Homebound Consumers Eager to Try Food, Household Products, and Entertainment Brands
As the United States continues to practice social distancing, Americans are looking for ways to keep themselves and their families entertained. Many are willing to try new products at home. Leading the pack are Food & Beverage, Household Products, and TV, Movies & Music, according to a Ripple Street Research survey of their community of local influencers from March 26-29.
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Solving CBD’s Visibility Issue
Consumers are curious about CBD, but many still haven’t tried it. Availability and Brand recognition remain two key issues, according to a CBD survey conducted in January 2020 by Ripple Street Research.
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