Looking For Inspiration?
Download our complete Campaign Catalog to give you ideas throughout the year.
Or feel free to click on any of the links below to peruse specific programs with our incredible brand partners!'

A Note from our CEO
Inspiring Real Moments of Truth Around Your Brand

It has always been my belief that great products become ubiquitous, household staples when brands are able to find their true fans. It all starts with those dedicated consumers that love the products and scream at the top of their lungs, igniting a ripple effect of curiosity (and purchasing) around them.
At Ripple Street, we take pride in the hundreds of thousands of consumers in our community who, simply put, are die hard brand fans. They’re not paid influencers or in it just to get samples or free stuff. They’re in it because they are deeply passionate about trying new products and sharing it with the world—with friends and family whenever they get together, via texts, and online across their socials; because they love the feeling of being the one in the know. And they stick with us for years, because they know we’re bringing them fun ways to experience new brands and products!
From Day 1, we dive in with brands and agencies to develop high-impact activations through our multichannel community engagement platform. Quite frankly, this is my favorite part of what we do—getting creative around how to leverage our suite of solutions to design a program that will wow our community and consistently deliver successful KPIs.
This catalog is to help get the creative juices flowing around how to engage our incredible community of consumers in meaningful, impactful ways throughout the entire year—whether it’s for your tentpole holidays and seasons or everyday incremental product use cases.
We hope this helps get the gears turning and we look forward to brainstorming ways to fire up our community around your brand!
Mike Leo, CEO at Ripple Street